Sunday, March 31, 2013




Here's Alex/Max in robot form, since the monkey was too much like Rachel's. I like the idea of having him half-covered in skin as if he's sustained severe battle damage, but for the sake of time, I may have to focus the remainder of the semester of the robot parts.

For the dialogue, I was thinking something like, "It's a grim future for battle bots, with all robo battles shifting to the courtrooms. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll land a gig as a stenograbot."

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


"Oh, they'll probably put my brain in some robot or comatose alien. How do you think I became the monkey?!? (Maniacal laughter)"

NOTE: Max is a character I've been developing for about ten years now. The core concept is that he becomes different characters with a new set of strengths, flaws, and challenges. The current iteration is that he's a psychic with an indestructible brain that can be easily transferred upon the destruction of his body. This would create a Doctor Who-like sense of renewal with the potential for a never-ending story, while still having milestones that provide resolution for longtime fans, and allow newcomers to jump in 50 years down the road.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Assignment 6 - Lighting

1) Top Lighting
"I tell you nothing"

2) High Lighting
"Why have you brought me here?!?"

3) Level Lighting
"What's this stupid thing?"

4) Under Lighting
"Oh, what I'm gonna do to you"

5) 45 degrees to the side and 45 down
"What have you done?"

6) 90 degrees to the side
"I don't feel so good."

 7) Short Lighting
"Getting... Darker..."

8) Butterfly lighting
"The police have found me!"

 9) Broadlighting
"First, I'm gonna tear your lips off."

10) Front Lit profile
"Stimpy, it's three in the morning"
11) Sidelit Silhouette
"I feel so relaxed"

12) Backlit Silhouette
"There's a monster in here"

13) Perfect Sillhouette
"Too much Absynth"

14) Multisource Lighting
"Hey there, buddy"